Our Mission
To build the capacity of stakeholders in the culture sector on the protection and promotion of the diversity of cultural expressions in the digital environment.
Virtual Institute for Culture in the Digital Environment
Institute for African Culture and International Understanding, Abeokuta, NIGERIAVirtual Institute for Culture in the Digital Environment
Institute for African Culture and International Understanding, Abeokuta, NIGERIAVirtual Institute for Culture in the Digital Environment
Institute for African Culture and International Understanding, Abeokuta, NIGERIAStandby for the launch of our courses in October 14, 2019
Be part of the refreshing experience of developing knowledge and skills on how the UNESCO 2005 Convention on Protection and Promotion of the Diversity of Cultural Expressions can be implemented in the digital environment.
To build the capacity of stakeholders in the culture sector on the protection and promotion of the diversity of cultural expressions in the digital environment.
To be the lead Institute for training persons and organisations involved in implementing UNESCO’s 2005 Convention in the digital environment.
1. To assess training needs of stakeholders in the culture sector especially in Africa on UNESCO’s 2005 Convention. 2. To develop training manuals and offer courses that will address the training needs; and 3. To conduct periodic evaluation of the impact of implementing the 2005 Convention in the digital environment.
The names we are proud of
We live in a
multilingual world. There are different tribes all over the world with languages
that they cherish and guide jealously in order for the languages not to go into
extinction. In this course, participants will be introduced to the meaning and
concept of Linguistic diversity,
Multilingualism and Digital environment. They will also be exposed to
the definition, types and processes of translation in the digital environment.
The concept of sociolinguistics and the various online translation tools
recommended by translators will also be explored.
We live in a
multilingual world. There are different tribes all over the world with languages
that they cherish and guide jealously in order for the languages not to go into
extinction. In this course, participants will be introduced to the meaning and
concept of Linguistic diversity,
Multilingualism and Digital environment. They will also be exposed to
the definition, types and processes of translation in the digital environment.
The concept of sociolinguistics and the various online translation tools
recommended by translators will also be explored.
Digitisation of cultural goods and services largely involve conversion into a format that makes it easier to preserve access and share. This course will explore with participants the incorporation of technological tools into the cultural and creative industries' production processes.
The digital environment has transformed the way
cultural and creative industries work. Cultural entrepreneurs especially local
artists are faced with numerous challenges as a result of these developments.
This course provides participants with knowledge on strategies to support local
cultural artists who wish to establish in the digital environment.
Digital technology includes all types of
electronic equipment and applications that use information in the form of
numeric code. This information (binary) is usually represented by strings of
only two numeric characters which are 0 and 1. Digital information are
processed by devices which include, personal computers, calculators,
automobiles, traffic light controllers, compact disc players, cellular telephones,
communications satellites, and high-definition television sets. This course
will present participants who are cultural artists with conceptual and
application frameworks in the use of digital technologies for their success in
their practice.
The digital environment holds much potential in
projecting and sustaining cultures. This course focuses on the new
technological tools that are helping to promote culture and how they have
changed the culture sector through various platforms. Participants will
be exposed to the latest digital tools and
interactivity and how they are being used to promote culture
and expand our cultural world.
The diversity of the media presents a distinctive prospect for the flow
of cultural goods and services. This course provides participants with
knowledge of what media diversity means and how cultural goods and services are
classified. It offers insight into how the diversity of the media can enhance
the production and distribution of cultural goods and services.
New developments in
the digital environment alongside communication have made it possible for
recorded cultural expressions to be transferred over social media from one device
to another These developments have triggered copyright infringements
and piracy This course will share with particicpants, global best practices in
combatting online copyright infringement and piracy.
barriers and policies associated with the protection and promotion of the
diversity of cultural expressions in the digital era is highly complex. This course
provides participants the knowledge on existing policies that protect artists'
cultural rights and works in the digital environment.
In the contemporary world of information
technologies and digitisation, cultural goods and services can be easily
processed, preserved and shared by a large number of people through the
internet. This course gives an overview of what cultural goods and services are
and their immense economic potentials. Participants will learn strategies for
Promoting cultural goods and services and their languages through the use of
digital technologies.
The use of digital technology provides an
enabling platform for protecting and promoting the diversity of cultural
expressions Digitised cultural goods and services can be mapped to indicate the
location, size and quality of such goods and services. This course will provide
participants with knowledge and skills in the use of ICT tools for digital
mapping of cultural expressions using Africa as case study.
Today’s world and age is one in which the influence of digital environment and its effect on culture is trending. Digitisation and cultural transmission have become pervasive, especially considering the mutual inclusivity of culture and digitisation. It is on this basis that strong argument favour digitisation as medium for cultivating enlightenment of cultural policies, if opportunities for access and participation, individual and collective creativity are to be fully explored. This course provides opportunities for learning about the interconnectedness of culture/cultural policies in the digital environment. It will also avail participants, the opportunity of learning creative strategies for adapting national policies on cultural goods and services to the digital environment.
The digital environment presents a unique
platform for promoting and protecting the diversities of cultural expressions.
Within this space, the promotion of human rights and artistic freedom are
especially facilitated. Within the
broader framework of cultural expressions, this course provides participants
with knowledge and skills on how human rights and artistic freedom can be
protected and promoted using digital resources and tools.