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Enhancing Emotional intelligence of Artists within a Digital Environment
Promoting Cultural Diversity and Expressions in STEM Classroom: The Role of Emerging Digital Technologies
Digital techniques for fostering participation of social groups especially women in the protection and promotion of the diversities of cultural expressions
Providing spaces dedicated to digital creativity and innovation to foster artistic experimentation and collaboration
Adapting international instruments within the context of cultural and trade agreements and public policies in the digital environment
Linguistic diversity and translation interfaces in the digital environment
Promoting digitisation and the incorporation of technological tools into the cultural and creative industries' production processes
Strategies for supporting cultural entrepreneurs and local production companies who wish to establish in the digital cultural and creative industries
Concept and applications of digital technologies in the training of cultural artists
New forms of creativity in the digital environment and real-time interactivity
Use of media diversity in the production and distribution of cultural goods and services
Combatting online copyright infringement and piracy
Policy issues in the protection and promotion of cultural expressions in a digital environment
Promoting cultural goods and services and their languages through the use of digital technologies
Digital Mapping of African Cultural Expressions
Strategies for adapting national policies on cultural goods and services to the digital environment
Promoting human rights, artistic freedom and freedom of cultural expression in a digital environment